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KIZU絆NA / Release Date : August 8, 2011
そこにある愛や温もりや優しさ等,何気ない日常をテーマに 彼の歌声が力強くそして優しく楽曲を包み込む… 心から溢れる言葉とメロディーをサウンドに乗せて 今、世界中のリスナーに向けこのアルバムを届ける。 そして亡き両親にこのアルバムを捧げる…
To friends and fans of the world
Thank you for always being supportive. It always appreciates it. I am glad to be able to send this album to everyone. Many bonds(KIZUNA) are recorded in this album. I lost my father four years ago... And I lost my mother one year ago... A song in memory of the late parents is recorded in this album. This album is dedicated to My Father and My Mother. I wish everyone enjoys this album. To everyone with my heartfelt gratitude.
Summer 2011
Toshikazu Maruno
01. Vivere (This song is dedicated to My Father, 1939-2007)
02. Power Of The Future ~未来を担う子どもたちへ~
03. My Home Town ~鹿児島の空へ~
04. 20年目の春・・・ ~Mother's Song~
05. 風に乗せ 歌に乗せ ~Kaze ni nose, Uta ni nose~
06. See You Again 2009
07. 今日一番の笑顔で ~Best Smile~
08. 続く人生の途中で・・・ ~My Dear Aunt~
09. 母よ、 Mother, ~Strings Version~
10. 命ある限り ~Justice~
11. Good Luck ~君達に贈る歌~
12. Mother, ~Pop Version~
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